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Referspot Sucks!

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    I just have to say, I have been an affiliate with them for 2 years now and for the last 3 months they have really ticked me off!!

    First they come out with a new casino and totally cut the affilates out for 2 weeks until a banner was made for us!

    Then I am really sick of the no replies to my emails and the rotten stats NEVER update regular, geee now how am I to know they are not cheating me?

    I have been going down down hill for 2 months now, are they in trouble? I have a feeling they are not retaining players, I know at least 4 of my whales have stopped playing.

    Does anyone else have these problems? I was excited when they first opened and I jumped right on the bandwagon and did real good but man like I said things are going bad for me.

    I really do good with wagershare and referspot and they answer my emails real faat, I think they are the best out there.


    Hello Webone and welcome to CAP :wavey:

    I am not an affiliate of Referspot and they are not a CAP certified partner so I cant offer much insight on their performance. I know a number of our members do work with them though and they can throw in their two cents on your concerns.

    I am going to move this post down to the Problems/Warnings area so it remains visible long enough to allow folks to weigh in on this.

    Thanks again for joining us :bigsmile:


    ok thanks if I posted in the wrong section I am so sorry, I see alot of good advise here and just wanted some input.


    No, you’re fine webone :bigsmile:


    Originally posted by webone
    I really do good with wagershare and referspot and they answer my emails real faat, I think they are the best out there.

    Now just to be sure – you are talking about ReferSpot and the two good ones are WagerShare and ReferBack perhaps??

    I also would like to know your opinion about the ReferSpot as I have been giving them some exposure and thus far they have brought me 2 players, but both of them fair value in deposits and just today I decided to give them more exposure so I hope that ReferSpot does well, but it remains to be seen.


    Hi webone, welcome. I have been working with referspot for some time now and I agree with you on their STATS being delayed AND the bad communication. I think the key thing here is the lack of support. I don’t particularly care for an affiliate program that doesn’t answer emails and solve problems in a timely manner. That’s a big turnoff for me. That being said, I don’t feel they have been dishonest with me as far as my commissions. Perhaps you are having a bad month? Just my two cents :)


    nooo I was so ticked off I mean referback….lol

    I love referback they have the best service and seem to care about the affilates, if I email them someone emails back that same day to help.


    well it has been 2 bad months, I am getting a good pay so far but NOT nearly as much as before when my good players still deposited.

    Why are these whales leaving is my question, and man it really ticked me off the way the affilates were shut off the new casino for 2 weeks while they promoted the heck out of it, that was dirty of them to do.

    Example my stats have not updated for a week now, and you know what I bet the will not until the 3rd, I hate sitting and waiting to see if someone cashed out on me, it is like playing russian roulette.

    I emailed a month ago and asked for my payment of euros(you have to request that payment or it just sits) do you know I still have not received a reply?



    Referspot Sucks!

    Originally posted by webone
    I really do good with wagershare and referspot and they answer my emails real faat, I think they are the best out there.

    nooo I was so ticked off I mean referback….lol

    I love referback they have the best service and seem to care about the affilates, if I email them someone emails back that same day to help.

    I think you need to clear up who you’re talking about.

    take a minute. settle; and then answer in this fashion

    1. Happy with ________

    2. Not happy with ________

    I can figure out one is WS; the other two are still very unclear.


    don’t feel bad, I make the same mistake often, after all, they all sound so similar.


    very happy with wagershare and referback
    very unhappy with referspot


    Hi Webone

    I couldn’t agree more with you regarding the past two months. I am in the exact same frame of mind regarding their performance lately and this is what I gather….

    About two months ago (funny that we start experiencing the downhill about this time) they had a new manager for their marketing or finance team so I am guessing because they suddenly strapped down on their bonuses and promotions and practically went dry with any type of discretionary bonuses and spot bonuses. I think this pissed alot players off and I was one of them because I used to be a very frequent player there but they always took care of me with bonuses until they stopped and now I have to fight to get anything and this is like after many deposits…….

    So with that said, I have direct contacts that I use if I need support typically but I do know their general que is often unanswered and they will tell you to use their direct emails.

    I definately feel they are 100 % honest and always have been especially with my experiences with them as a player I know they have always maintained high integrity.

    But my huge issue is that they went from my biggest and best performer for 10 months straight, to NOTHING for the past 2 now three months! The only light at the end of the tunnel I see is that in general the past 2 months were VERY ugly for a majority of us AND last month I had a $16,000 winner on the 2nd day of the month.

    THen by the end of the month my commissions were only in the hole by -600 which means I made up 15,000 to get that far out of the hole and had I not had such a huge winner it would of been a record month.

    Im going to reserve my final judgements and decide whats going on with them come the end of this month as I am really hoping the past two months were just a fluke, since after all I had 10 previous months before the two bad nothing but outstanding.


    ReferSpot is a good program in terms of money making. Very bad in support.
    I too noticed a change 2 month ago. They first brought up Lake-Palace casino and sent emails to all our serious players with $100 free bonus to join Lake Palace. So many whales are now playing at Lake Palace and we are not getting a penny out of it. I emailed them about it just to never get a reply (and I’m a big affiliate there…)
    Then I also noticed that they stopped running their promotions. They used to have a promotion once or even twice a week and now their calender is empty (although I do see some activity on Casino Grand Bay now). I really dont understand this step and I hope they know what they are doing.

    Overall, I’m still doing good there but there are problems that need to be solved. I would have give them much more exposure if they were fair with Lake Palace. Their lose…


    I actually spoke to one of the managers the evening of their launch to see about the banner codes and earlier in the day prelaunch I had spoke to a representative (regular support) who told me (and I dont think she was supposd to tell me this) that the reason they were delaying was because how they are giving every player 20% cashback on every deposit made all week that they credit on Mondays, and because this was their oepning offer till nov. 12th ….but who knows if thats official. I was very pissed about them launching us and not including us because you know it had to be intentional and the worst part is they used their databases for Jupiter, Bella and Casino Grand Bay to send out promotions for Lake Palace but they didnt cross market with our tags.

    How convenient!


    I can’t decide whether to comment on this or not….I’m thinking I should take a deep breath and maybe come back tomorrow when I have calmed down. That whole Lake Palace debacle was shameful, basically all the affiliates were left with was alot of the people who signed up strictly for the $15 n/d bonus that the casino offered on their website. That $100 invitation was sent to their VIP lists (translated high rollers) from CGB, Bella and Jupiter. My own personal opinion is that it was done deliberately, cut out the middleman. I have contacts at the casinos also, and of course the answers were that there were unforeseen delays with the banners, and it was unintentional. Pardon my French, but bullshit. No casino group as big as this one opens a new Micro with no banners to promote it. I was going sour on them before that happened, but that was sort of the final straw. Cost my partner at my site an untold amount of money, as well as alot of my online friends who promoted the crap out of the three existing casinos. Very dirty, very underhanded. And yeah, the support stinks. Now, I think because I have been so negative, I should go find the positive comments thread and heap some praise on an excellent casino and affiliate program.


    Well it’s good to see a general consensus here because I figured it was just me and that I was an exception based on the great and above average performance and experiences I have always had up until recently.

    Perhaps Alex or Marc should clue in to all of this before they really start going downhill from lack of marketing!

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