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Please help me with my page stats

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  • #586663


    I´m pretty new.

    Here are the resultals form this month regarding my site:

    Total Hits 20981 – What is hits?
    Total Files 13372
    Total Pages 939
    Total Visits 469 – Is this the number of unike visits?
    Transfered KBytes 206593
    Total Hosts 175

    Is there a webmaster who would give me a reply?

    Kind regards



    Total Hits 20981 – What is hits?

    This is each and every GET request made to your domain. This includes the HTML, images, CSS files, javascript files, etc that make up each page, as well as 404 requests and so on. These are the raw hits to the box.

    Total Files 13372

    I’m not sure what they’re saying here, but I’ll go with files served.

    Total Pages 939

    Individual pages served (HTML, PHP, whatever).

    Total Visits 469 – Is this the number of unike visits?

    These are the individual user sessions. Return visits by the same user would be included here, so no, not unique.

    Transfered KBytes 206593

    Bandwidth mumbo jumbo.

    Total Hosts 175

    I think this’ll be unique, remote IPs – closest thing you’ll get to uniques.

    I hope this helps. Best of luck!


    Speaking of Stats . . .

    What stats program is the preferred choice of everyone here?

    My previous web hosting people had a stats program I really liked. I had been with them since 1997 and was very comfortable with the whole operation. Only thing was…I don’t think they have ever upgraded their servers since the day I signed up nearly 8 years ago…they were ridiculously slow, so it was time to make a change.

    The place I moved to has a couple of different choices for stats programs, but I am not familiar with either of them.

    The stats programs they offer are Webalizer or AWstats.

    From what they have told me it doesn’t sound as though either of these programs are very good.

    What is the consensus of opinion regarding stats programs?



    I use webalizer, awstats, analog, and urchin and find each adds something I want and none are sufficient on their own.

    I also look at raw logs periodically, and am able to look at details for latest visitors and error logs.

    I do look at my site stats a lot – I find them very helpful.


    Good question. I’m curious to hear opinions as well.

    I’m currently living on raw logs, but plan to pick up a stats tool before too long. In the past I’ve primarily worked with custom developed tools, but have some experience with WebTrends as well. My only real beef with them is they try to go too far in presenting reports, when all I really want is the data…

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