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November 17, 2003 at 1:09 am #583903
On October 10th I was admonished for posting my personal opinions in this tread at WOL ( xhttp://mb.winneronline.com/showthread.html?t=11535&page=4&pp=10 )
Consequently a vote was started to determine if I had broken any privacy rules. It was always and still is my claim that I hadn’t, but the powers that be, the ones that fix votes said I had. The vote had been in my favor until a late surge before its closing and an astonishing 70+ votes had been registered. (It’s a well known fact that they only have around 40 active members!)
So on October 16, 2003 I was handed down a 30 day suspension. (see email below.)
It was the consensus of the team leaders and myself that since the vote was completed with a yes vote in the majority for the question, Did Arkyt violate the GPWA privacy rules? That you be suspended for a period of 30 days to start from the 16th of Oct. You will be allowed until 10pm cst to post in the discussion forum if you care to, at that time your permissions will be removed until the 16th of November.
Bill Thornton
Today November 16,2003 I fully expected to have my permissions reinstated, but the almighty powers that be had a backup plan. I received an email stating the only way I would be admitted back was if I signed a confidentiality form. I was not given this condition prior to being suspended, furthermore it’s my understanding that to this date NO other member has been subjected to this BS!
Before you are allowed to return you must print the attachment, sign it, scan it and then return it to me. ( URL REMOVED )
Bill Thornton
What a JOKE – course I reckon they made the right choice, cause I was only going to make sure the non-official vote I started to get Cindy out was made official and I know I had the votes to get her out!
Other members are finally starting to see the deception, manipulation, and dishonesty thats running rampant within this group. Theyve had opportunities to make things right, but they always incorrectly choose to stay on the wrong path.
Ive submitted to Bill (the supposed manager) my immediate resignation and requested that each and every post I ever made be removed at once.
Oh well – this is my home now …
edit: removed url
November 17, 2003 at 1:18 am #641635Anonymous
InactiveWelcome Home Brian !
I for one am delighted to have you here and I am proud
to be amongst everybody here at CAP.I believe we have a GREAT group of people and together
we can make a difference to help each other grow
and reach our individual aspirations as much as possible.:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
November 17, 2003 at 1:28 am #641636Anonymous
InactiveWelcome home, Arkyt!
November 17, 2003 at 1:38 am #641637Anonymous
InactiveI never went anywhere
I didnt expect to be let back in over there – the whole suspension thing was just an attempt to make it look democratic – shes wanted me gone for a very long time.
Im confident that we will NEVER see the deception & manipulation here! :bigsmile:
Thanks for the support.
November 17, 2003 at 1:46 am #641638Anonymous
Im confident that we will NEVER see the deception & manipulation here!
NEVER !… we are here to Learn and Teach each other
… in pursuit of the holy grail of mutual advancement.November 17, 2003 at 2:59 am #641639Anonymous
Grashopper you will be a very wise soul for your sound decision. LOL Arkyt I gotta say cindy thrives on manipulation and no matter what, she has partial if not total control of many things that happen in the GPWA which lately has been pretty bad with the negative publicity. You are good by me bro thanks for hanging with us here you will not regret it ….
I gotta say also I envy you for going head to head with her and calling her out as that took a little guts.
November 17, 2003 at 4:26 am #641640Anonymous
InactiveHey Arkyt,
It’s great having you here. I respect and admire your standing up to Cindy. I have personally felt much better and accomplished much more sinse I left the GPWA. The Professor is a great and honest person that is my very best friend. It’s great that the Professor has a place here so we all can meet in friendship. :bigsmile::cheers:
November 17, 2003 at 4:40 am #641641Anonymous
InactiveHear Hear
… A Toast to The Professor for making this happen
A Toast to ALL
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
:la-de-da: :la-de-da: :la-de-da:November 17, 2003 at 4:46 am #641642Anonymous
Inactive:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :wavey:
:la-de-da: :la-de-da: :la-de-da:
November 17, 2003 at 5:51 am #641645bb1webs
GuestI read another post by 21 gamble that we all are being asked to sign that deal.
Which I’m afraid would leave me too open to a legal attack by Cindy if she chose to freak out again and accuse me of some kind of conspiracy.
I really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about any of the he said she said crap.
I am smart enough to see that we all need each other and by divinding us into smaller (more manageable) groups; it plays right into the very hands of those entities that have brought us together in the first place.
We are all competitors that probably would never have achieved near the (wonderful) relationships that have been born and thrive; if not for the fact that we came together for a common good and that being the fact that alone; we have little chance of policing those that would cheat us out of rightfully earned money.
Together; if we truly could manage even a half-assed loosly associated whole ; that we could literally make the rules and set the tone on this industry.
But instead of joining hands and approaching sponsors that are obvious cheaters with a united “clean your act up NOW or lose every single one of us” –
It would appear to the dis-associated third party that we would rather trade our ethics and professionalism for the opportunity to play peyton place (that’s soap opera for you youngsters) on a daily, on-going basis.
That isn’t the case for the majority of course but its amazing how a few people have been able to keep this in the limelight for so long as it has been; thereby detracting from the more important things at hand.like addressing the sponsors that think we should be happy with scampering around gathering the crumbs that are brushed off the silver platter in our direction by hands so far above us we can’t even see who they’re attached to;.
November 17, 2003 at 7:35 am #641650Anonymous
I am glad you all got to meet and form closer bonds and that is the only true good thing that happened in GPWA and that is not because of the people that dominate it. It was because of those that have made it this far and are a bit more ethical and honest that resigned and or were banned. Must agree also the conflict has overshadowed everything else latley that is much more important to us. A true industry leader is one that addresses issues with out having hidden agendas and one that can own up to mistakes. You all here obviously realize this. Prof this is your board you are not trying to turn it into a org or a association to profit off of the demise of the previous and I respect you for that. Thanks for helping us that would rather just try to resolve issues that must be addressed instead of rally round the wagons and use the power you wield for a personal ego trip. Keep up the good business all of you !!
November 17, 2003 at 8:42 am #641652Anonymous
InactiveI have to admit being the main instigator of keeping many of these situations in the limelight. For that I apologise.
I informed the bright Miss Carley that she would hear no more from me after my dismissal unless she lied.
It should have and could have been over many moons ago and I guess I could have let it all go but I dislike injustice, being lied to and about. Unfortunately the lies sprouted like rabbits on heat.
All good stuff for Peyton Place (is that still going?????) but as with any good soap longevity is the key.
Hopefully this is the last season and final episode for this one. The villain has been revealed and most of the cast have left the set.
This has overshadowed the far more important issues that will affect us now and in the future. I guess you have to clear out the old before you bring in the new.
Truth wins in the end, I truly believe that. Sometimes it takes a bit long is all. On to more important things.
November 17, 2003 at 4:16 pm #641668Anonymous
No problem I like the fact she finally was revealed for what she is because she has gotten away on her power trip so long and she twists reality with her own. She also robbed you guys basically and is very vindictive and well hahahah no need to get into all that many eyes were opened and everybody has now seen.
I am glad that you guys have a place where you do not have to worry about all the politics and now can get some work done.
So lets work at this to get ourselves better educated as well as make this a better world for our industry…
November 17, 2003 at 4:37 pm #641670Anonymous
InactiveI have kept it in the lime light.
I have been accused of a crime, publicly, in front of managers, in front of members, in front of everyone.
There are probably in excess of 100 people who I meet occasionally and who I work with WHO STILL BELIEVE THIS LIE!!!!
You have no idea how that feels. I have been an upright, honest business person all my life.
I am in favor of getting back to business and I would shut up in a second flat if I could somehow clear my name of this.