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who besides ClubDice bunch has live blackjack?

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  • #583821


    I know there must be some other playtechs out there doing this besides the bunch from Tropez and ClubDice.

    I have reservations about both those two over some of the crap they’ve tried to pull on other webmasters.

    thanks in advance for your replies.


    Casino Webcam, and I love it there.

    It’s not playtech though.


    Hello bb1webs,

    What kind of crap did they try to pull ?



    I can’t remember the exacts, I just filed away in my mind to take their links down (they never made me any money).

    It was fairly recent. Must have been at the old stomping ground (as Arkyt delicately puts it) .

    My issue with Tropez is fax-back form deal; (which may have been my issue with Club Dice too) – those places can claim its for our own protection if they want to; but in my opinion; as long we are willing to sign some sort of agreement releasing the casino of any responsibility for anything that might go wrong with sending us a payment to X address or to X neteller account; then they should be jumping all over themselves to say okie-dokie.

    But they don’t do that; instead, they play this rediculous game of making us fax-back a form every month. *and you know as well as I that there are going to be a percentage that doesn’t get things done on time; which ties up payments and that is a lot of money in interest when left sitting in the bank.

    and if I’m guessing correct; I bet if you’re late getting the form faxed back that you don’t get paid until the next coming payday?

    if that is right, that’s 30 days collecting interest.

    Although I believe the casinos make much more than that; supposedly they make their profit on a small % of the entire take, and so now you’re talking banker terms.

    and bankers would lie to their own mothers for an extra 30 days interest on the kind of numbers we are talking about.



    thanks Dom.


    Are we talking multi player Blackjack?


    Hi Prof;

    I would assume yes; it is multi-player. I’m pretty sure the roulette and baccarat live tables are multi-player; though when I tried them there wasn’t anybody else playing.

    *:hmmm: :confused: :

    you’d think an online casino supposedly as big as club dice; would have at least one table with more than one player. I think those girl dealers were lonely… and I know they were cold :inlove: as they were forced to wear those skimpy little outfits:cheers:

    Now if I had a webcam and they could see me; then I’d think they were just glad to see me. (insert bursting ego smilie here)

    but such was not the case.

    I assume the cards will be extra large like the ones in baccarat while I don’t really have a problem with that (actually it might be to our advantage as I would think it would make it harder for any cheating by use of a card shark; the larger the deck of cards in use), but it might strike some players as not being the status quo; and scare them away from the game. .

    These cards are way too big to palm or anything like that; which should help tame those claiming online casinos cheat. …

    ….. of course; I don’t care for the way the dealer sneaks off out of camera view to shuffle the deck :confused: :eh:

    ………. :laugh: okay, I was just kidding about that last part. The dealer does not go out of camera view to shuffle :laugh:

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