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Casino Profit Shave (CPS)

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  • #583688

    Casino Profit Share has always been on my “Shaves Stats with a Chainsaw list” but they recently confirmed my earlier suspicions when they took over UK Casino Club.

    My earnings with UKCC were never stellar, but they did consistently bring in a check each month for $600 , that was until they were subjected to the “Australian Chainsaw Massacre” at CPS. Overnight revenues dropped to $2. You read that right $2 and that was last month. This month they arent feeling so charitable and revenues are at $0.

    CPS You Suck! :rasberry:


    which casinos do they promote now?


    Golden Reef
    Aztec Riches
    UK Casino Club
    Music Hall


    thanks, I’ll stay away from them!


    Well well i thought it was just me.

    I used to feature Uk Casino Club on all of my uk portals, and they didn’t do too well. I even had a direct xml feed for the casino into msn uk (this was cut off when msn uk dropped looksmart) I would always make dissapotingly small amounts. Maybe $300 a month if i was lucky. Just when i was going to take them down Casino Profit Share took over the casino.

    I changed my mind thinking that with this experienced casino group taking over the casino conversions would improve.

    So far i made $1 last month (yes, that’s 100 pennies) and this month nothing. This last week i have been slowly removing them. This is while William Hill is making on average 1500 pounds a month for the same exposure.

    Something is not right. This simply confirms my suspicions. In my opinion something is not right with casino profit share all together.



    I just copied my stats for last month.

    Golden Reef Casino CASINO USD $ $56 25% $14

    USD $ $56

    Aztec Riches Casino CASINO USD $ $269 25% $67

    USD $ $269

    Challenge Casino CASINO USD $

    Music Hall Casino CASINO USD $

    UK Casino Club CASINO USD $ $6 25% $1

    USD $ $0
    GBP £ $6

    Aztec Riches Poker POKER USD $

    TOTAL $331 $82

    If you take a look at UK casino Club there’s a huge discrepancies:

    Last time i checked 25% of 6 pounds is not 1 us dollar.

    I’m not claiming that i want the correct percentage of 6 pounds… simply that the math must not add up for a reason.



    Yep their shaving is beyond belief. I just spent the first two hours of today replacing all UK Casino Club links with Roxy Palaces new UK property. Roxy has never been a barn burner for me but I trust Garth a HELL of a lot more then CPS.


    I signed up and gave them prime real estate for about 2 months – sent them plenty what I consider high quality traffic and never seen a dime! Needless to say I wasnt about to stick around to meet any new-affiliate quotas …


    I will also be replacing not only UK casinbo club but all casino profit share casinos.



    I must be so naive! I am very friendly with Trish, and have asked her time and time again about the stats. She insists that a yr. or so ago they had some stat issues but not now…that it’s fine. Every month we get around 300 click thrus to their sites end up with a few bonus players, a few guests and maybe 2 depositors. This month it’s the same, we’re making $17 :rolleyes:
    I really want to trust her and am starting to think she is being honest with me but she really doesn’t know any better. Maybe she really isn’t aware of the shaving??
    I am getting so sick of sending so much traffic there with no results.
    300 clicks a month would produce thousands of $$ at SciFi and most of the poker rooms for us.


    As i view it, it doesn’t matter whether they’re shaving or just plan incompetent. The end result is that we’re losing money by not directing that traffic elsewhere.



    I agree with you 100%
    I just hate to think of Trish as either, like I said I can be so naive sometimes!


    Trust me, i used to be the most naive out of anyone!


    add me to the list of webmasters unhappy with casino profit shave. I went for the deal they offered this month of up to $3,000 for bringing in extra players; I sent them a boatload of quality traffic and ended up with 1 player 5 bonus players and a lousy $51 so far. Grrrrr :angry:


    Casino Profit Share is lousy.. Believe that have to have a tracking issue or they are shaving.

    Dumping them.. :(

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