Hi All,
Google has dumped the Supplemental label and it appears it’s complete.
you can still check your supplemental page by add a /& to the end of your domain.
According to the article from
“Google is promising that every query should hit both indexes at the same time, so that a page in supplemental really should have a better chance of ranking than in the past.”
4 Answers
The problem with supplemental pages, besides not ranking for a page’s main keywords, is that they don’t get fully indexed. It’s also commonly believed that pages in the supplemental index don’t have any link value.
Can you guys please provide more data on what this means and how it might effect ranking of new or already established sites?
In short, Google still has a supplemental index but they stopped labeling which pages are supplemental. Pages in the supplemental index generally don’t rank for much and the current thinking is that pages in the supplemental index don’t pass much link value. The lack of a label for these pages doesn’t necessarily change rankings for folks, but it does make it a little harder to figure out what’s going on with your pages. Boykin’s article (linked below) has a pretty good methodology for figuring out which of your pages are in supplemental hell. I enclosed another link to a news article at SE Round Table that provides a good summary of the situation and also links to some more good info.
Hope that helps. ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
You can still see your page without Supplemental Label on
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